Tuesday, November 30, 2010

CHANGING PARENTS: if you could change three things about your parents, what would you change and why?

if i could change three things about my parents the first one i would change would be my dad. first off because he does not care about any of his kids except one which he thinks is more important. secondly i would change his attitude and the way he acts with us because of his girlfriend. lastly i would change him being my father. things i would change in my mom would be her always yelling, being mad most of the time and lastly make her less strict. these are things i would change about her because these are the most that annoy me about her. she's like a short raging robot most days of the week.

Monday, November 29, 2010

do you believe there is only one job for any one person? why or why not?

no i do not believe there is only one job for one person..  there are many different types of job for people. jobs such as working at a pet store or being an assistant are jobs that people find fun for them. now depending on if there are two people and one job then there would be one job for one person.. i agree with both because a person might be fit for a job and someone else might not be fit that job or have enough experience like the other person may.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


some  activities at GWHS are basketball, volleyball, football,  newspaper, field hockey, cheer leading, track,  and tennis. reasons for these supports are to get kids involved and to enjoy there school and not just come to  a place they hate and then go home. he sports here at the school are actually really fun and good for you and your body.  the sport i find mos fun would be volley ball because i played it in my middle school and also  because i love serving the ball and hitting it. I'm a competitive person so i always want to when i so that's why its so interesting to me as well. sports can become more enjoyable if you play them with your friends together and all play the same sport just for fun. i believe everyone should get involved with there school because then it'll become more like able and enjoyable for you and those around you.

1. swimming             18. stage crew
2. football                 19. drama club
3. volleyball              20.N.A.L
4. soccer                   21. yearbook
5. field hockey
6. cheer leading
7. basketball
8. baseball
9. softball
10. la cross
11. tennis
12. track
13. cross country
14. chess
15. news paper
16. robotics
17. art class

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

career vs job.

a career is a life style that you have chosen for yourself to support you and your family. you have succeed in college  and studied classed for your career. a job is just something you don't need knowledge of because its simple and only temporary for a few. you do not need a college degree for a job just a high school diploma. Examples of jobs that need only high school knowledge would be a job at a fast food restaurant and a grocery store. a career is someone that's a teacher, a therapist or police officer.