Tuesday, February 1, 2011

what do you think you should wear to a job interview? what do you think would thatwouldbeveryinaprbe inappropriate to wear?

For a job interview you should wear a nice classy suit with a blouse underneath. you should wear closed toes heel and lastly wear your hair up. an outfit that would be very inappropriate would be shorts flip flops a tank top or anything that shows to much skin. you want to go to work looking educated and brilliant not sloppy and uneducated.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


5 DO'S
  1. Read the form thoroughly so that you put relevant information in appropriate sections.
  2. Follow the instructions accurately
  3. Answer the questions with evidence from your experience which demonstrates you.
  4. Keep a copy of your form so that you can use it to prepare for an interview or complete other forms.
  5. Write using active words and I/me statements. 
Each Do's are important because they help you get many steps closer to having the job. they are like a make over friend. They help Improve yourself and makes you r look more sophisticated.!

Monday, January 24, 2011


I Believe employer has you fill out a job application to seek if you are the right alternative for the job. the search to see your you are fit for the job with examples such as skills, performance, if your a hard working, fast learner, and have many other positive things to say about yourself. The purpose is because they do not want to hire fools or unfit people for the job

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


  People go to school to high school to learn, be with friends and be out. but people blow everything out of proportion with the arguing and fighting. Personally I believe that's for kids. Were 16, 17 & up and you in school worrying about fighting someone instead of your education. It's childish and they need to grow up. Your half way an adult so why can't you act like one instead of acting like a freaking 8 year old child in middle school fighting. Like seriously grow up. While you there trying to jump me and so worried about what I'm doing I'll be moving on into the next grade almost out of high school on my way to adulthood. I can not stand when a gown women or man wants to argue with someone younger and then threaten to get them jump. Like seriously Its whatever I don't care I'm ready. I'm on a whole another level while your beneath me sweetheart. Grow up. . . !

Monday, January 10, 2011

COVER LETTER: A cover letter is an introduction to your future employer. it is accomplished by your resume. what will you talk about in the letter to introduce yourself?

In my cover letter to my future employer i will discuss my personality and how well i work with and around other people.  I also will inform my employer that I always have a positive attitude about work and I'm a fast learner as well.  I will be ready to have any position whether its hard or easy. I will state what I am more experienced at and what i am not. Lastly, I will state my achievements and awards.

Friday, January 7, 2011

what was your objective on your resume? what type of employment are you hoping to gain? where would you like to apply?

On my resume on my objective was: SEEKING A PART TIME POSITION. A JOB EITHER WORKING IN AN AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM WITH KIDS, WORKING A FAST FOOD RESTAURANT AND LASTLY WORK AS AN ASSISTANT FOR A FERM. Employment I'm to gain is either doing paper work for a police station just volunteering or a job in retail in a well known store like aeropostale or hollister. i wouldn't expect to have a full time job so i would be okay with it because i'll still be getting paid.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

what information on your resume would you make a good candidate for a part time position with a company?explain why you choose these items.

  On my resume information that would make me a good candidate for a part time position with a company is I am reliable and work great with people. I chooses theses items because during school hours teachers may assign team work and while in our groups we all cooperate with each others listen to others ideas and pay attention. I am reliable because teachers assign homework or papers and expect them to  be turn in on the due date. When the due date comes my work is handed in or handed in a few days earlier. When people really me i do not want to let them done so i do my best to do whatever is needed to be done. In conclusion I am fitted for a good candidate for a part time position.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: what accomplishments have you made? why do you think you were so successful? how does it make you feel when u have made great strides in your life?

some accomplishes i made was get through lower school and middle school and make it to high school. also i made it to see news years with my family and was able to celebrate it with them. lastly what i accomplished most was i started cooking and cleaning at a very young age (6). i was so successful because i put in a 100% effort to achieve my goals. i work hard to make it through lower and middle school because i wanted to be something when i graduate out of college. when i have great strides in my life i feel independent and invinsable. i feel like i can take on anything and win at the end.

Monday, January 3, 2011

NEW YEARS DAY . . . ! why do you think people make resolutions n New year's day? what resolution did you make this year? what are two things you can do to keep it?

i believe people make new year's resolution to start out their new year differently and to be some what of a different person. this year i haven't made a resolution yet because I'm not yet sure what i would want to do or change about me yet. firstly before i think of two ways to keep it i have two have a resolution and I'm not yet sure of what i should choose.