Tuesday, December 21, 2010

RESUME WRITING: what is the purpose of a resume? why do you need to have one?

The purpose of a resume is so if you have several job interviews lined u can can have a brief summary of Special skills you have, What your best interest in, What your experienced in, previous or present awards, and lastly a brief few sentences about the type of person you are and your working level. You need a resume to be organized and to be prepared for interviews. Depending on the type of resume you type and how outstanding it is you will get hired for that job. Say if you write a resume but its not neat, Organized and you don't have much experience, and skills your not going to get hired.

Monday, December 20, 2010

STICK WITH IT?do you believe that once you decide on a job, you should stick with it for the rest of your life? why or why not?

I do not believe that once you choose a job you should stick with it because your job is not your career its just something for the mean time till you go after the career you want. A job is just a temporary thing so you can make money and pay your bills  or rent. People get jobs to explorer what they like ad continue to see if they want to go far in that career or end it and move on to the next one. Some people might say yes because they might not know the DIFFERENCES between a JOB vs a CAREER. ALSO, they might not be happy with a job and think "We'll this is the only way i can put food on the table buy them things they need.."etc. These are reasons why i do not believe people should stick to a job if they do not like it.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


- As a career they assigned me child care, Nursing, and Teaching. They choose child care for me because I'm warm-hearted, organized, and lastly because I'm very good at giving practical care. Nursing and me might work because I'm very cooperative, an good team member. Lastly, Teaching because I'm down the earth enjoy creating order, structure and schedules.                                                                                                 

FLY AWAY..: what would happen if you could fly whenever you wanted? when would you use this ability

If i could fly whenever i wanted i would go to Rome, Spain, Paris, and London. i would explore all sites and taste all the food. i would fly at night during he summer to feel the smooth, soft, cold wind against my face.    Flying would be an exciting adventure for me because it would feel like I'm jumping off a plain its a rush. when you do something dangerous it makes u scared but also alive.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

PERSONALITY TRAITS: the jung personality assessment identified many unique traits about you. read over your list again. choose 3 traits that truly describe you. give details and examples of each of these traits in your life.

in the personality test  i took it the other it showed my traits. 3 traits that truly describe me are: I am very organized, I am loyal, Lastly warm-hearted and sympathetic. I'm very organized i can not stand to see anything out of placed  or thrown around. i will get very aggravated and start complaining and put everything back in place.  Also, I'm a loyal person as well. i stick by my word and do i what i promise because i would want to do the same thing for me. Finally, I'm a warm-hearted person i hate to see someone hurt and not doing anything about it. i will comfort, secure and let the person know I'm reliable if they do not have anyone to  talk to. all traits represents each part of me and thats why I'm such a loving person.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


  I would sacrifice my smell because sometimes smells aren't that pleasant. If i sacrifice my smell it wouldn't really matter because i have my Taste, Touch, Sight, and hearing. I can always try to imagine the smell with the food i taste the food i see and touch. sometimes i wish i didn't have a smell because of some of the awful smells that roam around the streets, homes schools, and office bulidings. my smell would be the least important to me and this is why i choose to sacrifice my smell instead.

Monday, December 13, 2010

DISEASE: Which disease known to humans do you hate the most? what does this disease do to prevent someone from living to the fullest/

-A disease known to humans i hate is cancer especially for kids. depending on which cancer it is it can really out your life is a gray area.  brain tumors can kill you because if it continues to get larger it will suffocate your brain kill all brain cells and also kill you. the saddest thing about cancer is losing a love one to cancer. seeing young kids with cancer and just living life to the fullest is really inspiring because kids that are healthy always complain about there life being  horrible and they wished something bad happen, when cancer kids always have a smile on there face and so happy that they live the life they had because at least they had a chance to live it :). everyday the fight a battle that can become more powerful then them or weaker then them but they never give up and thats what really touches our souls and hearts....!<3

Friday, December 10, 2010

ZOO ANIMALS: if you could take home any animal from the zoo, which would it be and what would you do with it?

a zoo animal that i would take home with me would be a panda bear. i choose a panda bear because i love how cute and cuddly they look. also they remind me of my cat because he's soft and fat, lazy, cute, and cuddly. we would sleep together on my bed and have a lot of fun together. also , we would go to parks together and i would feed them they're favorite food. if it was a girl i would name her Layla, if it was a boy i would name him Chris. panda bears are the most harmless, beautiful creatures and theses were reasons why i would pick them instead of another animal..!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

LIFE STORY:if you had to write your life story. what would the title be?why? what events have happened in your life that describe this title?

If i was writing a life story the title of my story would be "THE UNDISCOVERED". I choose this title because with everything that happened in my life i just smile through the pain and no one really knows about all the events that went on. i would put everything in my life story from the moment i was being born to they day i feel i might die..! i would put all these events because if you just skip through things people get confused and end up losing interest in your book. also it would make it a lot more easier to manage. a story suppose to be told from beginning to end and  i want my story told like that it will create a much better suspense.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

EXTINCT ANIMAL:What extenainct animal would you bring back, if you could? how would the world be different if this animal roamed the earth.?

A animal that's going extinct but not quiet yet is a polar bear. polar bears are so adorable and loving creatures. they do not harm humans unless they feel dangered at any point. if polar bears were to list off the extinct list it would help the world because the generation after  me would see them. also it will help the earth because it would stop the north pole and Antarctica from melting and stop pollution which will save the earth and also save the human population. polar bears are beautiful animals that care for there young and are very protective of them. they also are very intelligent , because of humans polluting the earth and destroying the o zone layer its not only hurting us but the animals on this earth and many people don't think about it because they're to ignorant to realize all of this. the animals on this earth aren't just here to look pretty to us, they have a reason to be on this earth. just like insects they help our earth become some what better.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


one job  would never want to do is scoop humans or dogs poop. its gross, gross, and very unpleasant. many people would do anything to have a job which would mean to do a job like that.  people should pick up after there dogs not just leave it there for other s to steps in or fall in. also humans should know how to use a toilet so they should not be using the bathroom outside. especially because humans stuff smells worse then dogs.

Monday, December 6, 2010


my ideal birthday present would be to have my whole room decorated the way i want it.. it would be lavender, sky blue, tangerine orange, and hot pink, i would  have a huge bed with long polls so i could put a canopy on top. i would also have soft fuzzy bean bags at the edge of my bed with a flat screen tv on the wall. i would also put designs on the walls like flowers and hearts or anything i  find pretty. my bed sheets would be soft, warm, and fuzzy. i'll also have big huge pillows on my bed so my cat could be comfortable on while he sleeps with me... i would have have all my teddy bears at the edge of my bed.

Friday, December 3, 2010

MEDICAL RESEARCH for humans: how do you feel about using humans in medical research?

no human or animal should be used fro medical research because it can be harmful to both of them. with them not knowing the affects of the treatment or product it may cause severe burning, itching, or seizure. with so many animals being extinct now because of pollution we don't need to be testing them. I'm not so concerned with humans being tested because that's there problem but animals have no say in whether or not they want  or do not want to do something. humans can communicate with other humans but animals and humans can not. when an animals feels they're in danger or in pain they attack or whine that should tell medical researchers that whatever they put on them or have them is hurting them and could possibly lead to death. i strongly feel that researchers have no right to test on animals and humans.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

DREAM..! Describe the last dream you remember.

The last dream i remember was from last night... it was me, my sister, my mom, and a few other faces that were blur. we were in a abandon cabin and we were being chased by a killer.. the doors locked. lights cut off but the bit of light from outside was peaking through the cracked wood.. silents build the room with fear and i was shaking in terror  with tears falling down my eyes. the door busted open and a man  big and strong, huge, light skin man came towards me and my sister. i didn't want anything to happen to her so i stood in front of her as a shield of protection. but then my mom made a noise on purpose so he couldn't hurt us and he went towards her. After that i woke up and don't know what happen afterwards.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

CHANGING PARENTS: if you could change three things about your parents, what would you change and why?

if i could change three things about my parents the first one i would change would be my dad. first off because he does not care about any of his kids except one which he thinks is more important. secondly i would change his attitude and the way he acts with us because of his girlfriend. lastly i would change him being my father. things i would change in my mom would be her always yelling, being mad most of the time and lastly make her less strict. these are things i would change about her because these are the most that annoy me about her. she's like a short raging robot most days of the week.

Monday, November 29, 2010

do you believe there is only one job for any one person? why or why not?

no i do not believe there is only one job for one person..  there are many different types of job for people. jobs such as working at a pet store or being an assistant are jobs that people find fun for them. now depending on if there are two people and one job then there would be one job for one person.. i agree with both because a person might be fit for a job and someone else might not be fit that job or have enough experience like the other person may.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


some  activities at GWHS are basketball, volleyball, football,  newspaper, field hockey, cheer leading, track,  and tennis. reasons for these supports are to get kids involved and to enjoy there school and not just come to  a place they hate and then go home. he sports here at the school are actually really fun and good for you and your body.  the sport i find mos fun would be volley ball because i played it in my middle school and also  because i love serving the ball and hitting it. I'm a competitive person so i always want to when i so that's why its so interesting to me as well. sports can become more enjoyable if you play them with your friends together and all play the same sport just for fun. i believe everyone should get involved with there school because then it'll become more like able and enjoyable for you and those around you.

1. swimming             18. stage crew
2. football                 19. drama club
3. volleyball              20.N.A.L
4. soccer                   21. yearbook
5. field hockey
6. cheer leading
7. basketball
8. baseball
9. softball
10. la cross
11. tennis
12. track
13. cross country
14. chess
15. news paper
16. robotics
17. art class

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

career vs job.

a career is a life style that you have chosen for yourself to support you and your family. you have succeed in college  and studied classed for your career. a job is just something you don't need knowledge of because its simple and only temporary for a few. you do not need a college degree for a job just a high school diploma. Examples of jobs that need only high school knowledge would be a job at a fast food restaurant and a grocery store. a career is someone that's a teacher, a therapist or police officer.