Wednesday, December 8, 2010

EXTINCT ANIMAL:What extenainct animal would you bring back, if you could? how would the world be different if this animal roamed the earth.?

A animal that's going extinct but not quiet yet is a polar bear. polar bears are so adorable and loving creatures. they do not harm humans unless they feel dangered at any point. if polar bears were to list off the extinct list it would help the world because the generation after  me would see them. also it will help the earth because it would stop the north pole and Antarctica from melting and stop pollution which will save the earth and also save the human population. polar bears are beautiful animals that care for there young and are very protective of them. they also are very intelligent , because of humans polluting the earth and destroying the o zone layer its not only hurting us but the animals on this earth and many people don't think about it because they're to ignorant to realize all of this. the animals on this earth aren't just here to look pretty to us, they have a reason to be on this earth. just like insects they help our earth become some what better.

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